Social Networks and Media Law – Vilnius University

Hans is giving the online lecture “Social Networks and Media Law” at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University from 22 March to 9 April. In his lecture, he will discuss the current development of social media law. This area of regulation is constantly changing and consists of several different norms. They also take a look at the media, politics, and, of course, the relevant case law. Since the regulations of social media law are harmonized under European law, Hans mainly looks at European case law with the students and thus gives his lecture a very international orientation.

Stefan Ullrich also attended the lecture on 23 March and shared with students his experiences on social media and technology; artificial intelligence in social media and ethics and technology in media.

The aim of the lecture is for students to be able to classify issues relating to social media, both socially and legally. Besides, they should develop their own proposed solutions based on broad knowledge and evaluate solutions proposed by others. To this end, they will be provided with the basic knowledge in the first week of lectures (22-26 March) so that they can apply it in the second week (5-9 April) when discussing the relevant case law.

Hans illustrates the topic by discussing the important legal issues during the life of a social media account. They look at all the relevant areas of law, such as law of contract, labeling obligations, use of data, privacy, cpoyright, free speech etc. Afterwards, the lecture is divided into the user perspective on the one hand (simple use: posting and giving likes; commenting and sharing) and the perspective of small and medium companies on the other hand (from feed design to the end of the account). Finally, Hans gives an outlook on future regulations and the impact on media, markets and democracy.

-> Vilnius University, Master in “International and European Law”,